Twin Interviews

*Note: We were unable to finish publishing all interviews due to the shutdown, sorry!

Stockman Twins- Alexis 'Lexi' and Kailynn

Q: What are your main similarities and differences?

A: "We're both very active, but I do cheer-" -Lexi

"And I play basketball." -Kailynn

Q: Do you remember matching as little kids?

A: We would wear the same thing but different colors, Lexi commonly being purple, and Kailynn being pink.

Q: Whats one thing you that you love and hate about being a twin?

A: Hate - sharing a phone. Love - never lonely

Q: Do you have psychic abilities?

A: They've tried! But it didn't work.

Q: Can you feel each other's pain?

A: "Everytime I'd punch her, I couldn't feel her pain."

Q: Do you finish each other’s sentences?

A. Only a couple words sometimes.

Q: Have you ever switched places with each other?

A: They never tried to switch as they're too opposite.

Q: Who is the oldest?

A: Kailynn is older by a minute.

Q: Who’s the Favorite?

A: "I would say me." - Both said! Kailynn is more like her dad, and Lexi is more like her mom.

Q: Do you have separate friend groups?

A. They mostly hang out with Kailynn's sporty friends.

Q: Describe your different personalities.

A: "I'm more funny," said Lexi, while Kailynn is sarcastic and weird.

Q: Do you have some of the same likes and dislikes? Which ones?

A: Both love being active, and use to do dance and gymnastics. Lexi doesn't like basketball and is more picky.

Q: What are your similar talents?

A: Both can cross their eyes and are flexible. Kailynn is double jointed.

Q: Is there anything that you hate sharing?

A: Phone and bedroom. Kailynn is more messy!

Q: Do you keep secrets from each other?

A: They tell each other everything!

Senger Twins- Ava and Clara

What are your similarities and differences?

Clara: Both in enriched math, youth group

Ava: We are "day and night"

Clara: "Yeah...I'm night"

We look completely different, I don't care what you think

Do you remember matching as kids?

Pre-K pictures in matching dresses

One thing you that you love and hate about being a twin?

Our parents get us mixed up, "We don't follow the stereotypes"

Do you have psychic abilities? question

Can you feel each other's pain?

No...*punches sister*

Do you know what each other is thinking?

Sometimes, "I hope not" I can predict what they're going to say

Do you finish each other’s sentences?

YES! We Finish each others sentences.

Remmington Twins- Ava and Hailey

Q: What are your similarities and differences?

Ava and Hailey: We look nothing alike! We both like to draw.

Do you remember matching as kids?

Ava and Hailey: I don't remember it but we have pictures in our pink, blue and purple dresses.

One thing you that you hate and love about being a twin?

Ava and Hailey: Sharing a room is not good, the good is that you are never alone-always!! You don't need an imaginary twin when you are a twin!

Do you have psychic abilities?

Hailey: "Oh, you want pizza?"

Ava: "Me too!"

Can you feel each other's pain?

Hailey: "You felt bad for me and you know it! It was when I broke my leg ice skating!"

What is your favorite story with your twin?

Ava and Hailey: The bucket story! We were at the beach when were like 9 years old and we had an ice cream bucket. A kid came and stole our bucket. We yelled at him "GIVE ME MY BUCKET BACK!" He was so scared, he ran away! We have many buckets!

Who is the oldest?

Ava and Hailey: Ava is older by 3 minutes.

Who is the favorite?

Ava and Hailey: Ava is the favorite!