MMS Teen Zine is a new this year! It is the a fresh and exciting online magazine that highlights our amazing staff and their interests. We are collaborating with the talented Ashlee Kunkel from the Milton Public Library! Ashlee has added insight and an awesome community perspective to our staff!

Meet the ZINE crew!

David Astin

Hello! My name is David Astin. Some people may know me from around the school, but for the vast majority, an introduction to my craziness might be beneficial. I enjoy spending my time reading books, watching movies, playing and listening to music, alongside just being generally insane. While my love of books and criticizing things all comes together, you can find my works and efforts in book reviews, reports, and just "Nerding Out" overall.

Emma Steinke

Hey! I'm Emma Steinke. I enjoy writing, reading, doodling, band, choir, 4-H, and Lion Taming. (Ha!) You'll find my work in the art, short stories, and current event sections.

Eli Hageman

I'm Eli Hageman. Some of you may know me as, "The Nerd" and you may recognize me for my love and passion for movies and pop culture (and amazing reviews). I do reviews on Stardust and Letterboxd. I hope to become a cartoonist, a movie maker, and the greatest movie critic in the galaxy (far far away...).

Carissa Choi

I'm Carissa Choi, and my life, it's kinda crazy.

Riley Arnold

Hi! I'm Riley M. Arnold. I am a 7th grader that you might have heard of. I like art, reading, video games, being weird and a lot more stuff! I'll be posting my drawings and short stories. Send me drawings that you want to be in the ZINE! I will only choose a few, so give it your all, and follow the theme!

Morgan Wisch

What's poppin'?

Terri Harbort

MMS Editor

Ashlee Kunkel

Milton Public Library Editor

We are so excited to have you read our ZINE!

If YOU would like to join the ZINE please leave an inquiry at or