Sports Premium
Please click on the below link to view the PE and School Sport Premium Policy
Sports Premium Funding
What is Sports Premium funding?
The government allocates Sports Premium funding to every primary school. This is designed to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils. Millway Primary is due to received £16000+ £10 per pupil in Sports Premium funding in this academic year.
What have we spent Sports Premium funding on?
At Millway we spend the majority of Sports premium funding on developing and sustaining high quality PE lessons during curriculum time across the school.
Every pupil benefits (from Reception to Year 6) from high quality sports teaching. Our specialist coach works alongside the teacher during lessons to deliver high quality PE provision. Furthermore, the teacher benefits from CPD (Continued Professional Development) during these lessons thereby ensuring sustainable impact.
We also use Sports Premium to subsidise Sports Clubs across the school so that all of our pupils can access extra-curricular provision. Pupil premium children are eligible for further subsidies through our innovative voucher scheme in order to ensure that they have the same level of opportunities available.
Sports Premium enables Millway Primary to provide before and after school clubs in a range of sports for a small charge per session.
Sustainability Statement:
Class teachers work alongside the qualified sports coach at least once a week in order to ensure their Continual Professional Development needs are met.
In addition, teachers access additional termly training via specialist coaches at The Duston School so that their skills are regularly developed.