Elementary Coding

What do these activities teach?

The puzzles and creative activities are designed to teach students computational thinking and the basics of computer programming. Students solve each puzzle by programming visual code blocks to achieve a goal.

Specifically Hour of Code address the following standards:

  • K-2.CS.a.3 Explain that computing devices function when applications, programs, or commands are executed.

  • K-2.CT.d.1 Define a computer program as a set of commands created by people to do something.

  • K-2.CT.d.2 Explain that computers only follow the program’s instructions.

  • 3-5.CT.d.1 Individually and collaboratively create, test, and modify a program in a graphical environment (e.g., block-based visual programming language).

  • 3-5.CT.d.2 Use arithmetic operators, conditionals, and repetition in programs.

  • 3-5.CT.d.3 Use interactive debugging to detect and correct simple program errors.

  • 3-5.CT.d.4 Recognize that programs need known starting values (e.g., set initial score to zero in a game).