Prefect Team

This year our senior prefect team consists of Anna MacQueen (Head), Calum Sampson(Head), Jack Henderson (Depute), Rachel Urquhart (Depute) and Chloe Cheyne (Depute). Their role is to coordinate and manage their large team of prefects and to work directly with the senior leadership team, guidance and the extended leadership team to ensure all views are being considered and implemented.

In our prefect team we have 50 S6 pupils who contribute to the curricular and extra-curricular life of the school. They are all assigned to subject departments to support them with:

  • Helping pupils who are finding the subject challenging and struggle with the pace of learning

  • Supporting specific classes where the need is particularly complex

  • Coming up with ideas for contextualising topics within courses

  • Run study support clubs at lunch and after school

  • Creating new and modern classroom resources

  • Designing and maintaining department noticeboards

  • Subject specific self-evaluation: focus groups; questionnaires etc on pace/challenge/depth/enjoyment

In addition to their departmental responsibilities, prefects also undertake a whole school role:

  • Lunch and break queue duty

  • Loneliness monitors- help pupils to find friendship groupings/attend lunch-time clubs etc

  • Mentoring some of our young people by supporting them emotionally, socially and academically

  • Organise school fundraisers

  • Carry out focus group interviews with pupils based on HGIOS questions

  • Liaise with the local community

  • Attend whole school events

  • Attend parent council meetings

Our prefect programme is pivotal to the ethos and day-to-day running of the school. Their role has evolved over time and will continue to do so for many years to come.

Prefect Training Day