Parent Council

What is the role of our Parent Council?

Our Parent Council helps parents and carers to become more actively and effectively involved in their children's learning. It is recognised that parents play an important role both in their own child's learning and in the life of their school.

Our Parent Council:

  • provides a voice for parents, in our school and in our local authority, on issues that are important to you and your children
  • helps the school to understand how to most effectively involve parents in your child's learning and in the life of the school
  • supports the school and headteacher in developing strong home/school partnerships
  • supports the school in its development and improvement, and in understanding and making links with the wider community
  • captures the unique and varied skills, interests, knowledge and experience that parents can offer.

Our parent council meets approximately once a term and all parents/carers are welcome to attend. Information about these meetings will be shared on the daily notices and on the school website, sent out via txt message and also on our social media platforms. It is fundamental the relationship between our school and the parent council remains positive so we can strive to be the best we can be.

Chair: Emily Stokes

Vice-Chair - Kay Low

Treasurer- Paula Thomson

Secretary - Susan McCreadie