
The school library is on the ground floor to the right of the main entrance. It has approx 5000 books.

The books are arranged in sections – fiction, nonfiction, reference, Power Readers, careers information, Scottish books and Polish books.

There is also the Inverness Courier and magazines such as Geographical and Philosophy Now.

There are computers with internet access which pupils book to use at break and lunch time.

The school librarian, Mrs Philip, offers help and advice to pupils who wish to borrow books or need assistance with class projects or using the computers. All 1st and 2nd year English classes visit the library once a week to borrow books and to follow the Power Readers Scheme.

The library is now computerised and your library ticket can be used throughout Highland Region libraries as well as in the school library. You can also use your Young Scot card in the library once it has been “activated”.

The library is open to pupils:

  • Monday – Friday at Break and
  • Monday – Thursday at Lunch from 1 – 1.30
  • After school from 3.30 – 4 on Tues, Wed, Thurs