Cool science stuff this week!

Check out some interesting events or information in science in the last week...


Check out some weird and wonderful creatures on the Australian Geographic website.

This week my favourite is the Australian head-stacking caterpillar!!! How bizarre does it look! Caterpillars have exoskeletons - skeletons on the outside of their body. This means when they grow, the skeleton doesn't grow with them, they have to moult, or shed the skeleton, as they grow a new one to protect themselves.

This eucalyptus-eating caterpillar attaches its old, outgrown heads on the top of its current skeleton each time it sheds. It uses these like a whip or a spike to fend off creatures who try to attack it, along with its wicked spines jutting out from its body!

How very cool and unique is it!! Rock on caterpillar!

Click on the photo to find out more...


On July 30, 2020, NASA launched a new Mars Rover to further explore the planet of Mars. This new rover is called Perseverance and it will take nearly 7 months to get there, landing in February 2021!

Perseverance will be the first Mars rover to use drone technology as part of its mission. Very cool!!

See NASA's Mars Perseverance lift off and start its journey to the Red Planet.

NASA's Mars Perseverance Rover launched on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V 541 rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida and was watched live by people all around the world!!

#nasa #mars #perseverance

For more information on the mission, check out:


On August 2, 2020, NASA astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken returned to Earth after spending two months (63 day mission) on the International Space Station.

The astronauts splashed down in the ocean, inside SpaceX's Crew Dragon Endeavour spacecraft. This was the first historic crewed return flight of SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft!

It was SpaceX's final test flight and is providing data on the performance of the Falcon 9 rocket, Crew Dragon spacecraft and ground systems, as well as in-orbit, docking, splashdown, and recovery operations. This successful mission means NASA, in partnership with SpaceX, can send more astronauts into space and return them safely to Earth, without relying on the space agencies of other countries.