Super Science High School

Mie Prefectual Ise HS

What is SSH?

The program is implemented by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) with support from the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) for the purpose of fostering human resources in science and technology who will lead the future. This is a project to research and develop instructional methods that will foster interest in science and technology, mathematics, increase intellectual curiosity and inquisitiveness about nature, and develop logical thinking ability and creativity. Our school was designated for the first term ( five years starting in 2012, and  in 2022 we were designated for the thrid term ( five years ).

What does SSH do?

 Students will receive support in science and math courses, presentations, and efforts to communicate using English, and will be enriched by science-related events. In addition, students are stimulated by lectures by university professors and famous scholars, and by visits to various research institutes.

 Furthermore, the research conducted through SSH is utilized even after entering university.

Our goal as SSH

1. We will nurture human resources who can think independently, take on challenges, and pioneer the future by utilizing the rich nature, science, and traditional technology of the Ise-Shima region.

2. We will develop educational programs to foster human resources in science and technology who can play an active role in the international stage.

We plan to collaborate with universities, high schools, and research facilities in Japan, centering on the local university such as Mie University, as well as with high schools overseas.

 Specifically, we plan to