For  your summer research assignment

To Junior High School Students

The SSC (Super Science Club) of Ise High School has created a collection of short videos that can be used as themes for free research in order to let students experience the fun of science during this summer vacation.

 However, just watching these videos is not enough to complete your free research. We would like you to take a hint from these videos and make your own original free research project by thinking about how you would do it or what would happen if you did it this way.

 Please take a look at them as a reference.

Seismic Structure of Columns

Let's make a pillar out of paper. How will the strength change with the stiffness of the paper and the shape of the rounded paper?

Static electricity bends water.

Static electricity is unpleasant in winter. What kind of power does this static electricity have? Let's try an experiment by bending water.

Doppler Effect

When an ambulance passes by, the sound of its siren changes before your eyes. This is the Doppler effect. Why does this phenomenon occur? Let's try an experiment that actually causes the Doppler effect.

Starch Glues

Starch is found in a variety of foods. Let's experiment with the properties of starch.

Impacts of domestic wastewater

Let us consider the domestic wastewater that we casually flush from our kitchens. What are the effects?