Activity Report 2023

2023年12月21日 SSH 台湾 海外研修 午後 壽山動物圓

  After lunch near I-Shou University, the afternoon was a bit different as we headed to Shoushan Animal Park in the suburbs of Kaohsiung City with students from Wunshan High School. We observed animals and plants that can only be seen here, and discussed the design concept of using the mountain topography as it is and turning it into a nature reserve, which is not often seen in Japan. For example, "虎" in Japanese and "老虎" in Chinese may have different meanings even if they refer to the same animal. The students were learning about the Chinese pronuciation of animals from the Wunshan High School students, and I am sure that there were many insights gained through these exchanges.

 Now, we have to say goodbye to the students of Wunshan High School, though we only had them for two days. We are planning to host them in Ise High School in May next year, including the students who participated as hosts this time. We hope to see them again there!

2023年12月21日 SSH 台湾 海外研修⑥ 午前 義守大學研修

This morning, we drove about 40 minutes from the center of Kaohsiung City to I-Shou University for training with students from Wunshan High School. I-Shou University is a private university with a growing presence in Kaohsiung City in recent years, and the semi-conductor degree program at the Science and Technology Department, which we visited today, is particularly popular due to its high level of specialization. Surrounded by the latest facilities, lectures and practices were given on design using 3-D printers, AI circuit design, and semiconductor production processes. The students listened to lectures in English on topics requiring specialized knowledge, shared what they heard in English with Wunshan High School students to deepen their understanding, and then operated equipment with instructions written in Chinese, under the direction of Wunshan High School students and local university students. The students were very enthusiastic and cooperative, even though they had to make full use of their various skills.

 It was a wonderful time for us to gain valuable experience in an environment slightly different from that of Japanese universities, where we were able to learn how to tackle problems that we could not solve on our own, one step at a time in cooperation with others, an attitude that will serve as the basis for our future research activities. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the teachers of Wunshan High School and I-Shou University for their efforts in making this visit possible, as well as to the teachers of I-Shou University who gave us very enthusiasitc lectures.

2023年12月20日 SSH 台湾 海外研修⑤ 午後 澄清湖FW

     In the afternoon, we had a FW at Chengqing Lake near Wunshan High School. Chengqing Lake was once the vacation home of former President Chiang Kai-shek, and there are various facilities there.

 The first stop was the Oceanarium, an aquarium built on the site of an old air-raid shelter. Guided by local students, everyone observed with great interest the exhibits and deep-sea fish, which are rarely seen in Japan.

 After that, the teachers of Wunsan High School organized "a station activity" using the facilities in Chengcheong Lake, in which students were divided into small groups, each group attended a workshop, and when the time came, they moved to the next "station" to attend the next workshop. When the time is up, the students move to the next "station" and attend the next workshop with different members. This time, there were four workshops: "Aqua Terrattorium," "Hand-Made Ointment," "Moss Ball," and "Paper Tower. Although not everyone was able to attend all of the lectures due to the venue, the students from the main school and Wunshan worked together in each lecture, energetically exchanging ideas and working on their assignments. Since very good relationships were established between students from both schools during the morning sessions, the afternoon activities must have gone very smoothly and effectively. It was very impressive to see not only the friendly attitude of the local students, but also the students from our school who were unafraid to actively make friends.

 After all the lectures were over, it was time for snack time. We enjoyed some Taiwanese specialty fruits and snacks while reflecting on the contents of the lectures. Time flew by in a flash, and it was a very productive and productive day.

2023年12月20日 SSH 台湾 海外研修④ 午前 文山高級中學

     Today, the students visited their partner school, Wunshan High School, and had an exchange program with local students. After an enthusiastic welcome at the opening ceremony, which included an exchange of souvenirs, a cappella, and dancing, the two schools held a Super Science Session in the morning, where the students gave presentations in English on their research activities. A total of 20 groups of 20 students from our school and 10 groups of 24 students from Wushan HS participated in the session. At the suggestion of a teacher from the local school, instead of having one group give a presentation in front of everyone, the students were divided into three groups, and each group gave a presentation using the electonic device at hand, and then switched members after the presentation. This made it possible for the group to present their ideas without any resistance, and the Q&A session was very lively and meaningful. The students were very friendly to each other, and I believe that they were able to give their own presentations without feeling nervous, listen to each other's presentations seriously, and deepen their understanding of each other's research through the Q&A session.

2023年12月19日 SSH 台湾 海外研修③

     After completing the first day's itinerary, we arrived safely at the hotel. Although the first day consisted mainly of transportation, I am sure that the participants noticed various differences from Japan and made new discoveries, even if it was only to see the scenery of a foreign country.

 Tomorrow will be the start of the full-scale training. We hope that the training, including the FW, will be fulfilling for us.

2023年12月19日 SSH 台湾 海外研修②

     We arrived safely at Taoyuan International Airport. There was a slight flight delay, and immigration was crowded and took a long time, so we dashed as fast as we could from the THSR Taoyuan station! We managed to catch the scheduled bullet train. The bullet train uses the same cars as those used in Japan, so the ride is familiar and comfortable. We will soon arrive in Kaohsiung.

2023年12月19日 SSH 台湾 海外研修①

    We are now at the departure gate of Kansai International Airport. There have been no major problems so far, and it looks like we will be able to leave the country safely. Kansai International Airport, which was deserted at the time of the COVID-19 situation, is full of people today. Check-in took longer than expected. Here again, we can feel that we are getting back to the normal life before.

 It seems that everyone participating is excited about the upcoming training. I hope it will be a good learning experience. So, we will be off.

2023年11月20日 地域のPBL中間発表会

 1年生のSS探究Ⅰ選択者は、2学期からグループに分かれて「地域のPBL」グループ活動に取り組んでいます。PBLとは、Project Based Learning(課題解決学習)の略です。本校で実施している地域のPBLは、グループごとに地域が抱える課題をひとつ取り上げて現状を調べ、解決策を提案するというもので、2年生に行う課題研究の前に科学的な手法を学ぶことを目的としています。



2023年10月28日 国際科学技術コンテスト強化講座(情報)



2023年9月16日 国際科学技術コンテスト強化講座(地学)


2023年9月6日 OB講演会兼SSH講演会


2023年8月24日 水産研究所フィールドワーク




2023年8月21日~23日 第13回高校生バイオサミット



2023年8月18日 分子科学研究所訪問


2023年89,10 SSH生徒研究発表会


2023年8月2日~8月4日 SSH国内研修




2023年7月25日 基礎実験講座生物(皇學館大)


2023年7月18,19日 基礎実験講座(物理・生物・化学)




2023年7月15日 SSH東海フェスタ2023



2023年7月12日 SSH英語口頭試問



2023年7月8日 第2回医学部講座




2023年7月6日 SS探究Ⅱ、SSアドバンス探究B 課題研究第1回中間発表会





2023年617日 第1回医学部講座


