Parent Information

Check-in/ Check-out

Check-in/Check-out (CICO) is a tool that is directly connected to PBIS. It helps remind students of the expectations in the classroom, and also helps guide them in making positive choices throughout their day. The expectations highlighted are: Respect, Responsibility, and Personal Best. After 4-6 weeks of participating in CICO, the PBIS team determines whether or not the CICO tool has been successful. If not, decisions are made to either modify a student's CICO plan or add aditional supports. Once this is determined, the PBIS team then communicates the changes to teachers and parents of the student.

Again, this is a positive behavior intervention and should be conveyed in a positive manner to students at school as well as at home. The focus is building on positive behaviors, and focusing less on the negatives. If you feel that your child may be in need of extra positive support in school, please complete a Request for Assistance form in the forms tab. If you have any questions, feel free to email Mrs. Wright at

Check-in/ Check-out Daily Progress Report (DPR) example