Parent and Toddler Group

Our Parent and Toddler group is open to all parents and carer's of children between the ages of 0 months to 5 years old (not in school).  You must live in our catchment area which includes Middlefield, Marchburn, Heatheryfold and Cummings Park. Please give us a phone if you are not sure if you live in this catchment area. 

During these sessions the children (and of course their parents/carers) will engage in messy play, sensory play, imaginative play and enjoy a healthy snack. Please bring your child along in older clothes as we will do these activities almost daily. 

You do not need to book a space just come along and enjoy the fun. 

Parent and Toddler groups are open during school term time as follows: 

Thursday 10-11:30am

Friday 10-11:30am

Each session costs £1 per child.