
Read! Read! Read! Here's some ideas for your reading on EPIC! for the month of September!

Your teacher will be emailed reading medals for your class caterpillar, so read every day and let's collect them all!

Weekly Reading Task Choices

Focus: Non-fiction (Non-fiction writing is factual - not a story)

Using Epic, Libby, Kiwi Kids News, or a book from home, read about something that interests you and then complete one or two of the tasks below. You might do your task on paper or on the computer. Share it with your teacher using Google Classroom or SeeSaw!

When we read we can learn from the writer about how to be great writers ourselves. Many reasons that we write as we get older are for non-fiction purposes, such as information reports, articles, news reports, letters, and speeches. As readers we need to be able to understand the main ideas being communicated, and as writers we need to be able to communicate our main ideas.

The activities in this reading contract will help you to comprehend the main ideas, and give you the chance to show that you have understood. The tasks will also give you opportunities to use your understanding to create new ideas.

Information Web

Create an information web about the text you have read.


Draw and label your own diagram, showing your understanding of what you have read. Include a title and paragraph to introduce the topic.

Junk Mail Flyer /Catalogue

Create a junk mail flyer advertising the main ‘props’ from the text. Include a short explanation of each object.


Create a postcard, front and back, that relates to the topic, and write a letter from someone in the text.


Write a list of ten comprehension questions based on the text. Include a variety of question types.

Be an Inventor

Design an invention to solve an issue in the text. Label the parts to explain the purpose and how each part works.

Newspaper article

Write a newspaper report based on the topic from your text. Include facts, and if possible include points of view. You may include imagined speech/interviews.

Information Cube

Create an information cube including detail on each side about who, what, where, when, why and how?

Tree Chart

Create a Tree Chart for the text using a subheading for each paragraph/main idea, and list key/trigger words underneath.

Turn it into a story

Use facts from the text to write an imaginary story where the character is faced with needing to use knowledge you have learned, or faces a problem included in the text.

Letter to the Prime Minister

Write a letter to your local Member of Parliament or the Prime Minister about an issue you have read about, and your suggestions for how the problem can be solved.


Create a poster to inform others about an issue you have read about, urging them to act/take caution/appeal for action.

Get reading! Which is your favourite?

NZ news by kiwi kids for kiwi kids

Use the Libby app to enter your local library card number and get your favourite books out online. Access 1000's of books.

A great selection of picture books, read by famous actors. Not just for little kids! Enjoy!

Search and read about all sorts of inquisitive wonderings!

Join your class using your class code-

Room 6 - xzu6048

Room 7 - xem5666

Room 6 Class Bookshelf

Class Library Shelf

Here's a selection of some of our favourite picture books and novels for you to read!

Via Storyline online, EPIC and Libby.