Rooms 6 and 7

Welcome to your learning from home site with

Mrs Madill, Mrs Packham and Whaea B!

Remember to always...

Welcome - Kia ora koutou!

Welcome to Room 6 and 7's new online learning site!

This site is full of useful resources to help you with your learning at home. We have put some activities on for Reading, Writing and Maths that should be easy for you to complete independently. There are also some other subject pages for you to explore. We hope you find something you like. We have included Incredibox, Scratch and Minecraft on there; maybe you could message us with some other suggestions you think our classes might like too! Remember to do your daily Steps Web, EPIC reading and basic facts practice.

What's New...

Writing Challenge #2 - 'Strength of a Thousand'

Hey all,

This week's Writing to THINK inspiration could be a boy or a girl; feel free to change the name in your writing. Looks like a warmer, drier setting than last week's inspiration!

Head on over to our writing pages, or to your Google Classroom for the full activity, and keep an eye out on the class publishing pages to see what your class mates have written.

Remember there is the ongoing story writing task that we invite you to do this week too to really get into the author's groove!

Mrs Madill

Quick Links

10 mins per day

Room 6: rv9bgv

Room 7: zgpjj2

20-30 mins per day

Room 6 - xzu6048

Room 7 - xem5666


Each week, on a Monday, you will find a new writing inspiration here.

Your task can be completed with pen and paper, or using your Google Classroom. The choice is yours. We hope you enjoy the inspiration as much as we do! Click here for full details...


As well as taking the time to learn your basic facts off by heart, each week here you will find some math tasks to complete. Click here for full details...


Each week, complete one of the non-fiction reading activities.

Your task can be completed with pen and paper, or using your Google Classroom. The choice is yours. We hope you enjoy the inspiration as much as we do! Click here for full details...

40 ideas of things you can do outside! You might like to keep a diary of the activities you choose to do!

Follow this link through to all sorts of other bits and bobs that you might enjoy. Why don't you try something different to what you would normally do?

Here's a possible daily schedule for you. You could chat with your whānau and decide to follow this schedule, or make up your own that suits your family.

Whānau - Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns -