Eleventh Grade

Things to know/do as a Junior:

PSAT- January 26

Who? EVERY college-bound Sophomore & Junior

Look for Scholarships:

  • You apply for scholarships in your senior year, BUT you should begin looking for them now; some scholarships are given to students in 9th-12th grades. Please keep in mind that most of the scholarship money comes from the college and you must meet their criteria to apply. Your SAT/ACT scores are very important when applying for a scholarship. Most scholarships are interested in your character, leadership, community service, and extracurricular activities. Keep a calendar of all your community service - note what you did and how long you worked.

Bring your GPA up:

  • Colleges look at your classes and the grades you made in 9th, 10th, and 11th grade.

  • Colleges use your final GPA from your junior year when making admissions decisions, so this is your last chance to improve upon your GPA.

Regular Honors AP

A=4 A=4.5 A=5

B=3 B=3.5 B=4

C=2 C=2.5 C=3

D=1 D=1.5 D=2

Grading Scale:

A: 90-100

B: 80-89

C: 70-79

D: 60-69

F: 59 and below
