Meet the content authors

The individuals listed below were enrolled in Miami University's Advanced GIS Course (GEO 442/542) in Fall 2020.

Part of the class requirements was to walk through all stages of Volunteer Mapping with Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT). Students were trained and participated as Beginner Mappers, Intermediate Mappers, Advanced Mappers, and Data Validators.

This Google Site contains the team projects they created as the final products for this portion of the class.

Lena Babunski

Emily Baker

Ally Borkowski

I am a third year undergrad student. I am a Geography major with a minor in History, a thematic sequence in Geology with a focus on hydrology, and I am working my way towards the GISci certificate. I love working with data and learning about our physical environment, which drove my interest in GIS. I definitely intend to do some sort of GIS work in my professional career.

Alyssa Cassidy

Arlyn Cooper

Hello everyone, my name is Arlyn Cooper. I am a Senior in Quantitative Economics here at Miami University. My primary interest is in economic mapping. The federal reserve bank of Saint Louis does a lot of this kind of mapping, and that is kind of my dream job. I enjoy mapping to improve the digestibility of data, and i love making visuals. Ultimately, I come back for more to gain a better understanding of GIS and how I could apply its concepts to economics.

Outside of school and work I really want to do a road trip out west to the deserts, where the light pollution is at a minimum and i'll really be able to appreciate the night sky.

Clare DiCuccio

My name is Clare DiCuccio. I'm a senior Public Administration and Urban Planning double major. I've enjoyed learning GIS and hope to expand my knowledge in order to use it in my future career (whatever that may be). I would like to work in a government agency focusing on housing or transportation. Both fields need GIS to get the data for their policy changes, so knowing how to use the software is a real advantage.

Outside of school I enjoy baking and gardening, as well as crocheting.

Reed Dorger

I am a senior Urban and Regional Planning major. I enjoy working with GIS because it enables us to get a unique view of the world around us whether it is the physical geography or the people and demographics around us. GIS is satisfying to me because I can see the work I put into a project grow and change from the beginning to its final form.

Emma Jewell

Carlie Klapper

I am a senior majoring in Geography and Sustainable Development, minoring in English and Business, and getting my GIS certificate. Currently, I am not set on a particular career path but I am very open to many options. I am also considering attending grad school in the future.

What first drew my interest in the GIS field was the endless number of fields that the skills can be applied to. In a broad sense, I like the idea of applying GIS to sustainability and sustainable practices. I think that it is important because it encompasses the economy, people’s health, and our environment. These issues will most likely become more prominent in our lives as time goes on.

Lauren Kleve

Currently a junior majoring in Geography and Sustainable Development with a co-major in Environmental Science, a minor in Community-Based Leadership, and working toward a GIS Certificate.

Owen Larson

Courtney Lopez

Hello! My name is Courtney Lopez and I am an in Miami Universities Institute for the Environment and Sustainability finishing my Master's of Environmental Science degree. In the next few months I will be working with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as a National Wildlife Refuge Specialist. Thank you for your support today.

Jack Moran

Grace Murphy

My name is is Grace Murphy, and I am a junior Geography & Sustainable Development major at Miami University. I am also working towards a possible Energy co-major and GIS certificate. I have always loved exploring and traveling, so to me GIS is a great way to enhance my knowledge of the world through data and mapping. I also think it is a great skill to have since GIS is so interdisciplinary and versatile! I love being able to use the technology for a variety of real world applications, especially conservation and natural disaster efforts.

Bennett Niceswanger

I am a senior studying Public Administration with a minor in Naval Science. Once May arrives and I receive my degree from Miami, I plan to pursue a career working with county government in Ohio. Politics and GIS don't immediately sound like the most combatable subjects, but it is actually a very important aspect within the public sector. From improving public health to responding to public concerns, GIS has helped increase the capacity at which public servants can provide for the community.

Connor O'Hearn

I am a 2nd Year Masters Student. My research is focused on coffee farming in Hawai'i! I enjoyed learning more about HOT and the various projects that they work on and host throughout the world. It is great to learn about the humanitarian and first response applications of GIS!

Abbi Phillis

My name is Abbi Phillis and I'm a junior in the Geography major. I have a passion for all things wildlife, so my main interest in GIS is it's use in conservation and ecology research. However, I find all the uses for it incredible and tend to enjoy anything involving maps.

Eileen Rintsch

I am a second year MA student in the Geography department. My research focuses on how natural forests can mitigate agricultural pollution in fluvial systems, especially here in SW Ohio where my study area is located. I prefer using open-source software like QGIS and R Studio, but do enjoy sharpening my ArcGIS Pro skills using the courses offered at Miami University.

HOT is a great organization and I was very happy to find out that we got to work with them this semester. I hope you enjoy the resources we, as a course, put together for you. Happy mapping!

Zak Schultz

Dan Sedlacek

Lucas Young

My name is Lucas Young and I am a senior geology major here at Miami with an extreme interest in GIS technology. This is my third GIS class, and I like how the technology allows me to work both indoors and outdoors as well. And while I enjoy the number of analyses that you can do, I'm a map maker at heart, and love designing maps for the real world, regardless of the application.

When I'm not doing school or work, you'll generally find me outdoors, be it fishing, hiking, or biking, I love it all! When the weather turns cold I'm usually indoors cooking food for the fam, or hanging out with friends over video games/tabletop rpgs.

Robbyn J.F. Abbitt

Course Instructor

GIS Coordinator, GISci Certificate Advisor, Assoc. Director Geospatial Analysis Center
