Beginner Mapper Instructions

Using Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Teams (HOT) Web-based platform for Humanitarian Mapping

Content Authors: Lena Babunski, Alyssa Cassidy, Eileen Rintsch, & Dan Sedlacek

Thank you from all of us for joining Miami University's Geography Department for this map-a-thon. We and the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) are happy you are here. If this is your first time mapping with HOT or you would like to have a little refresher, we hope that our instructions will be helpful to you.
The google doc linked below outlines all the steps you need to set-up an account, find a project to map, and how to map buildings, roads, and waterways. We also embedded videos in the google doc and singled them our below.

We hope you enjoy the event and will continue mapping with HOT.