Past Events

Lion Dance Performance at Campbell Elementary School

For Lunar New Year, members of the Asian Heritage Club (Nina Chung, Maggie Gross, Yukthi Sangoi, Abby Brooks, Giovanni Delgado, Domonique Dudley, Serena McKiernan, Anne Pickstock, Seth Rubenfeld, advisor Mrs. Sato) performed the lion dance at Campbell Elementary School as well as the McCarrick Care Center. The children and the elderly loved the show! Congratulations on a job well done! 

World Game Night

Every year, at the World Game Night Breaking the Chain, the Asian Heritage Club sponsors craft making tables where we have various activities represented by three Asian countries. Last year we had an Origami table representing Japan, Rangoli coloring table representing India, and Lantern making table representing China.  

Spaghetatta with Italian Club (2019)

The Asian Heritage Club was invited to Italian Club's Spaghetatta.  We contributed lo mein and did a presentation of history of noodles.  

Bubble Tea and Snack Sale

Every year, we do at least one Bubble Tea sale to raise money for activities.  

Cooking and Eating

We love to cook and eat!  We have made Yakisoba, gyoza dumplings, and Chinese egg tarts.  What should we make next??

Campbell Games Around the World (2022)

On October 28, 2022, we worked closely with Breaking The Chain to coordinate the Games Around the World event at Campbell Elementary School!

Karaoke Night!

We had our first karaoke night at AHC! Members requested and sang their favorite songs