Home Pages/Core Pages

These pages have been modified from the original layout to provide customization for the users.

Trans home.pdf

Transition Home Page

Trans Core.pdf

Transition Core Page

OES core pg 4_2020.pdf

Oliver Elementary Core Page

Guides & Implementation Ideas

Snap+Core First Guide.pdf

Snap+Core First Guide

Guide to navigating and locating vocabulary

Snap+Core Phrases.pdf

Core Phrases

Sample phrases to use/model

Resources: Video/Links

Core & Shared Reading

Do and Don't

Spring Scavenger Hunt- S+C.pdf

Spring Scavenger Hunt

Thanks SLP Morgan!

Trouble Shooting/Support Videos

Overview of vocabulary and it's organization.

How to search for words by using the search feature.

How to add a button/word to a page.

How to edit a button.

Practice using core words with Core First Books.

Visit the Snap+Core First support website.