Alyssa Tamargo

Hello! I'm Ayssa, teacher of the Transition 1 classroom at Wheatley School. In our class, we work with our students, aged 18-21, in helping them gain as much independence as possible in life skills tasks such as cooking and cleaning, as well as vocational job tasks. On this page are some learning tools to help students at home continue working on the skills they worked on in school. All the task videos on this page feature the Educational Assistants from the Transition 1 Classroom, with whom the students in our class are familiar. Cooking videos also include a downloadable PDF of picture supported easy to follow instructions. Students may also access our News2U Weekly News stories, and our ULS (Unique Learning System) lessons which we would have read in school during the month of May. On the bottom of the page, you may also link to additional resources provided by the amazing Wheatley Related Services team.

Cooking Videos and Instructions:


Microwave Popcorn.pdf


Microwave Ramen Noodles.pdf

Job/Task Videos

Loading the Dishwasher .mp4



News2U Stories May-June 2020

News2U 5.4.20.pdf

May 4, 2020 News Story: Thanking Hospital Workers

Please note: MESD teachers are authorized customers of Unique Learning System and have paid for this content. This is being provided here for educational purposes only
News2U 5.11.20.pdf

May 11, 2020 News Story:

  • Growing Food at Home

Please note: MESD teachers are authorized customers of Unique Learning System and have paid for this content. This is being provided here for educational purposes only
News2U 5.18.20.pdf

May 18, 2020 News Story: Amy Bockerstette's Foundation

Please note: MESD teachers are authorized customers of Unique Learning System and have paid for this content. This is being provided here for educational purposes only
News2U 5.25.20.PDF

May 25, 2020 News Story: 2020 Graduation Ceremonies

Please note: MESD teachers are authorized customers of Unique Learning System and have paid for this content. This is being provided here for educational purposes only
News2U 6.1.20.pdf

June 1, 2020 News Story: The Ocean Cleanup

Please note: MESD teachers are authorized customers of Unique Learning System and have paid for this content. This is being provided here for educational purposes only


June lesson_1.pdf

Lesson 1: At the Amusement Park

Symbol Supported Story: Pages 28-37

Symbol Supported Mult. Choice Questions Pages 46-50

Please note: MESD teachers are authorized customers of Unique Learning System and have paid for this content. This is being provided here for educational purposes only
June lesson_2.pdf

Lesson 2: Is That A Healthy Choice?

Symbol Supported Story: Pages 29-39

Symbol Supported Mult. Choice Questions Pages 48-52

Please note: MESD teachers are authorized customers of Unique Learning System and have paid for this content. This is being provided here for educational purposes only

June lesson_3.pdf

Lesson 3: Amusement Park Appetites

Symbol Supported Story: Pages 15-19

Activities Pages 21-28

Please note: MESD teachers are authorized customers of Unique Learning System and have paid for this content. This is being provided here for educational purposes only

June lesson_4.pdf

Lesson 4: Let's Ride

Symbol Supported Story: Pages 16-21

Activities Pages 23-29

Please note: MESD teachers are authorized customers of Unique Learning System and have paid for this content. This is being provided here for educational purposes only

June lesson_5.pdf

Lesson 5: Pick a Park!

Symbol Supported Story Pages 14-17

Please note: MESD teachers are authorized customers of Unique Learning System and have paid for this content. This is being provided here for educational purposes only

June lesson_17.pdf

Job Exploration: Help Wanted Ads

Symbol Supported Help Wanted Ads Pages 9-10

Please note: MESD teachers are authorized customers of Unique Learning System and have paid for this content. This is being provided here for educational purposes only

ULS May Lessons


Lesson 1: The Big Move

Pages 28-36 for picture supported story. 45-50 picture supported mult. choice questions

Please note: MESD teachers are authorized customers of Unique Learning System and have paid for this content. This is being provided here for educational purposes only

Lesson 2: Kevin's Choices

Pages 31-41 for picture supported story, 50-55 for picture supported mult. choice questions

Please note: MESD teachers are authorized customers of Unique Learning System and have paid for this content. This is being provided here for educational purposes only


Lesson 3: Choosing a Place to Live

Pages 14-18 Symbol supported story

Please note: MESD teachers are authorized customers of Unique Learning System and have paid for this content. This is being provided here for educational purposes only

Lesson 4: Living Alone

Pages 14-18 Symbol supported story

Please note: MESD teachers are authorized customers of Unique Learning System and have paid for this content. This is being provided here for educational purposes only

Lesson 5: Living With Others

Pages 14-18 Symbol supported story

Please note: MESD teachers are authorized customers of Unique Learning System and have paid for this content. This is being provided here for educational purposes only

Job Exploration: Help Wanted Ads

Scroll all the way to the bottom for Symbol Supported Versions

Please note: MESD teachers are authorized customers of Unique Learning System and have paid for this content. This is being provided here for educational purposes only

Please click these links for content from your student's Related Services provider: