Colorado Works (TANF) Forms

Conditional Agreement Blank.docx

TANF Client Condition Agreement

Stepping Stones (1) (1).pdf

Stepping Stones Assessment-You may see a request to complete this through PEAK. You can complete it there, or complete this and submit it to your case manager, or they will complete it with you. 

both sides of responsibility&remember.docx

TANF Things to Remember and Client Responsibilities

Auth to share information.docx

Release of Information

Timesheet Generic.docx

Timesheet: Make sure to fill in your case manager's information for your own reference. 


Job Search and Job Readiness Log

Job Contact Word.docx

Job Contact Sheet

Job Search Log Word.docx

Job Search Log


Self-employment worksheet: Your case manager will ask you fill this out if required. 


Employment Status Verification-to be completed by your supervisor and submitted to case manager

**If the formatting looks off in Google Docs, please download into Word or Excel as Google Docs does not have all of the same features the original documents have**