Employment Services

Employment Services

Call 970-248-7560 or email jobservice@mesacounty.us for
the following:

    • Job Search Assistance, all jobs in Connecting Colorado are OPEN

    • Resume and Cover Letter Help

    • You can use our online resume builder tool to get a good draft started: https://mcwfc.emsicc.com/resume-builder

    • Mock Interviews (currently by phone or video conference only)

    • Referrals to other programs and resources such as the Career Development Program

    • Job Hotline - (970) 248-7575 to hear the new jobs of the day (you can also search this on your own in Connecting Colorado).

    • Answer any general questions relating to unemployment insurance.

    • Job Seeker Resource Handbook, which provides information about all of our services. Check out the Workforce Center website for useful information about all Workforce Center services mcwfc.us.

If you need to use a computer, or need to print or fax something for your job search, you can use the Resource Room in the Workforce Center. You can reach them at 970-248-7578.

    • Please note that children under the age of 14 are not allowed in the Resource Room

**Be sure to notify Employment Services that you are currently receiving TANF. Please provide along with the name of your case manager so that we can all work together to get you the most effective assistance possible.**

Job Search Workshops

Online Workshops Available Here: https://mcwfc.us/job-seekers/online-workshops/

You can select any that you would like, but want to be sure to complete those listed on your TANF Plan.

Live Webinar Workshops Available through the Connecting Colorado Website.

    • Log into your account, then on the right hand side under “My tool Box” click on “Workshops.” > click on “Upcoming Workshops” at the top. > Check the box on the left titled “Select” to sign up for the workshop.

    • You are welcome to sign up for any workshop that is “Virtual.” Click on the workshop title to read the description.

    • All workshops count as job search hours for TANF participants.

**Once you have finished the Job Search Toolbox Workshop, let your TANF case manager know and they will send you a quiz to take that will also count as job search hours**

Job Search Log

Job Search Log and Requirements

  • You must be job searching the number of hours listed on your TANF Plan each week.

  • If you gain employment or are already employed, you must have an Employment Status Verification Form completed by your employer and turned in within 10 days of the start date.

  • Please document all job search efforts on the Job Search Log and provide it as verification of all your hard work towards your employment goal when you turn in your monthly time sheets.

    • It is a good idea to keep track of all your job searching activities as they happen so you can use it as a tool to remind you of which employers you need to contact again to check the status of the position (including workshops, applications, interviews, contact with Employment Services, etc.)

Job Search Log Word.docx