This year I am using a Superhero theme for speech therapy. All my students are Speech Superheroes in Training! Check out our bulletin board and see if you can find your special superhero. All the students had so much fun finding themselves and their friends. Please stop by to see my Speech Superheroes in Training!

The students all work hard and have so much fun during our speech and language therapy sessions. We wanted to give you a little peek into our speech therapy room!


We read Halloween theme stories and made crafts!

We read The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin. We identified and labeled colors, shapes, Halloween vocabulary and answered wh-questions . We made our own Spookley! We used Spookley to show how he tipped and turned to save the day!

We played BOO bowling and a Pumpkin toss game as reinforcers for good work in speech therapy!

We read The Chocolate Chip Ghost by Meighan Peifer. It's about ghosts who turn into the color of the food they eat.

We used spatial concepts when hiding the ghosts- under the table, in the closet, behind the door, in the bathtub and next to the bed.

We played Halloween Go Fish. We practiced new vocabulary, described vocabulary, answered what/where questions and requested cards from our friends! It was fa-BOO-lous!!!

We made monsters and danced with them and followed directions!

We worked on Halloween vocabulary by making our own Halloween books and searching for pictures in a sensory bin! It was spooktacular!

We played Whack-A-WH Questions! We identified and labeled vocabulary pictures by answering the question "What do you see on Halloween? " We had fun using our hammer to whack the pictures!

We made a pumpkin patch and practiced our speech sounds!

We practiced speech sounds and words using our Halloween Chipper Chat and magic wand!

We labeled common vocabulary and actions and answered wh-questions about pictures that were hiding on the turkey farm! It was fun finding the pictures hiding behind the turkeys!

We used our words to request parts of the turkey to build our own turkey on the computer. We labeled the parts of the turkey and colors and used "I want ___" to request.

We read Turkey Trouble and we sequenced the animals in the story and answered questions during the story. Turkey is so silly with his costumes! We made predictions on what turkey was going to dress up as next. We read We Are Going on a Leaf Hunt and worked on spatial concepts in, on, under, next to, around, through and over! We drew pictures of our favorite part of the story!

We worked on spatial concepts and placed animals in, on, under and next to using our barn. We answered questions about where the animals were using our spatial concepts.

We put leaves and turkeys in our pumpkin patch on the farm when we practiced our sound combinations!

We made Thanksgiving plates full of our speech sounds and community helpers!

We colored a turkey while following directions!

We played the Sneaky Snacky Squirrel game while asking our friend a question!

We had fun playing Turkey bowling and knocking down our turkey and feathers! We also fed the squirrel using acorns with picture of our target sounds and vocabulary. Our squirrel was very hungry!


We had fun rolling dice to dress Santa and bowling down the Christmas trees!

We worked on labeling vocabulary, labeling functions, labeling categories, answering what/where/who questions and sorting pictures into categories while decorating our winter trees!

We read Turkey Claus, a book about Turkey who disguises himself to try to get in to see Santa at the North Pole to ask him for a Christmas wish- not to get eaten for Christmas dinner! After many silly disguises, Santa helps turkey find the perfect disguise and the perfect solution to his problem. We worked on vocabulary, answering wh-questions, speech sounds, following directions, spatial concepts and sequencing.

We played Hanukah chipper chat while we practiced saying words with our speech sounds and answering what/where questions. We got to use the magic wand to pick up the chips. We love this game!


We requested items by name to build our snowman. We had fun putting him together!

We played snowman bowling as a reward for good work in speech!

We used our winter sensory bin filled with "snow" to find our winter theme objects and name them.

We matched our objects to their pictures. We answered what and where questions about them.

We found snowflakes hiding in the snow with our sounds on them and practiced our sounds!

We played a snowman game and practiced requesting and describing skills. We had fun decorating our own snowman and describing it to our friends!

We read The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats. We found vocabulary pictures from the story in our winter sensory "snow" bin, we watched a video of the story, we answered questions about the story, we sequenced events in the story, we pretended to make snow angels and we drew a picture of what what Peter did in the snow and what we like to do in the snow! We had so many ideas- making a snowman, having a snowball fight, going sledding and stepping in the snow! We can't wait for more snow to go outside and play!!!

We feed Olaf cookies to practice using action words in sentences and to practice our speech sounds. He was very hungry!

We played snowball bowling while building our vocabulary with nouns and actions!

We had fun knocking down the pictures!

We read the book, There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow. We laughed at the silly old lady and all the things she ate! We learned new vocabulary, sequenced pictures to the story, identified objects by their functions and answered questions about the story.

We read Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You Hear? We listened to the animal sounds on a computer game. We searched in the snow for our animals and talked about the animals's size, shape, color and if they were loud or quiet. We used our AAC device to label the animals and produce sentences "I hear a ____". We loved learning about animals!

We learned new vocabulary by feeding our cute Valentine Monster candy hearts with pictures on them. We learned new action words and made sentences using our heart shaped gems!

Having fun with our St. Patrick's Day theme! We filled up our pots of gold by sorting pictures into categories, answering questions , describing picures and labeling categories.

We read the book, What Makes A Rainbow? by Betty Ann Schwartz. We identified and labeled the colors of the rainbow. We sorted pictures by colors. We learned new vocabulary and we talked about the size, shape, color and function of all the objects. We enjoyed making our own rainbows!

We pretended to be firefighters and put the fires out on cards with our target sounds. It was so much fun squirting out the fires!

PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA!!! Pizza is always a popular and motivating theme in speech therapy! We practiced our sounds while making our favorite pizza and toppings! Yum, Yum, Yum... we were hungry!

Announcing our new communication boards on the ELC preschool playgrounds! All the speech therapists at the ELC worked to create these boards so all of our students could communicate during play on the playground. With modeling and prompts from teachers , the students began using the boards right away! They point to pictures to request and comment on specific actions on the playground. It is a great facilitator for communication!