
As a sophomore, you have a year of high school behind you. If you think college is in your future, start thinking about how much that will cost. Remember, when we say “college” that means any training after high school, including technical or beauty school as well as a two- or four-year college program. The sophomore year can be quite difficult, so make sure you do your assignments, study for exams and ask your teachers for help when you don’t understand something.

College Search

Knowing what you want to do after high-school is not the only decision you need to start thinking about making; the decision of where to attend college also needs to made if that is where your career path is leading you.

Building a Support Network

From striving for a post-secondary education or going straight into the work force, one piece remains the same for all types of path-building a strong network or support system. This support system will act as your team and will help you be successful!