The Joyful
Teacher Librarian
Welcome to The Joyful Teacher Librarian Toolbox
The purpose of this web portal is to provide tips and resources for all aspects of the dynamic role of the teacher librarian. It will be in a constant state of "under construction" in much the same way teacher librarians find themselves evolving and adding to their expertise. Please visit often and let me know if there is anything you would like me to include.
My Story
In 2015 I obtained my Library Media Specialist certificate through the ACES ARCLMS program and am currently working as a middle school teacher librarian at Bristow Middle School in West Hartford, Connecticut. The decision to leave the classroom and enter this field was somewhat unplanned but has turned out to be the job I was always meant to do. Read Janet Lee Carey's blogpost about the Bristow Library to see some of the exciting things that happen in the Bristow Library Learning Commons and Makerspace!
Reading, books, author events, social studies, geography, tech tools and connecting people and ideas are a few of my passions. As a classroom teacher, I always had a well stocked classroom library and was often the person other teachers came to when they were looking for resources and tech tools. As a result, the transition to the library was natural.
Some of the things I have learned on my journey include:
- Make an effort to get to know all the teachers and staff in your building! Regardless of which type of schedule you follow (fixed or flexible), collaboration will be a key aspect of your role. Begin with those teachers who are willing to take risks and have fun. There will also be some negativity so focus on the positive aspects (and people) within your building.
- We are all in this together! Develop and continuously grow your PLN! As a teacher librarian, you are often the only person in your building (and in some cases your district) in your position so you need to find 'your people' and connect both in person and virtually! Click here to see who some of my most inspirational people and groups.
- Take risks and HAVE FUN! Find the JOY in everything you do and spread that joy and love of all things library and makerspace to everyone around you!
- Balance and planning ahead are extremely important and not always easy to do--so develop some strategies.
To see more about what is happening in my library and Makerspace, visit
Follow me @MsThomBookitis and my library @BristowLLC on Twitter and Instagram!