Secondary News

Examinations next week

Students in year 10 - 13 will take examinations next week . Students are expected to attend school even at times when they do not have an examination.

English Presentations

Year 7 - 9 students have been busy with presentation projects n their English classes.

English 2nd Language students practiced their future tense skills in their unit on space exploration. During this unit, they practiced making predictions about what may happen in the future. They also practiced past tense by completing a project on "A Great Expedition". The students had the opportunity to choose an explorer, research about his or her expeditions and present the information to the class. The projects integrated the content learned while enabling students to practice their reading, writing, listening and speaking in English.

Year 7 First Language English is working on using their persuasive writing skills, and organizational skills to develop a travel brochure. This is part of their unit of 'Non-Fiction and Factual Writing'. They chose a place where they would like to travel, and researched several aspects of the location including: geography, climate, entertainment, local culture and accommodations. They will be practicing their presentation skills next week when they present the brochure to their classmates.

Year 8 is focused on using their research, summarizing, organizational and persuasive skills to produce an educational brochure on a topic of their choice. This is part of their 'Brochures, Reports and Factual Writing' unit. They chose a topic which is important to them including: airplane safety, racism and global warming. Next week, the students will practice their oral presentation skills when they share the brochures with their classmates.

Year 9 students have been completing an interdisciplinary project in their English and ICT lessons. The project, entitled World Hunger involved researching the United Nations organization.

Students also explored the layout of posters, looked at the effects of visual texts combined with written texts and the style of sentences paying attention to persuasive and emotive language and imagery.

Finally students used their ICT knowledge to produce a persuasive poster in their ICT class.

Edria Murray

Deputy Principal (Secondary School)

ESL Project