Staff Training

Training of School Staff

Extensive training is provided upon request to school staff including general education teachers, intervention specialists, paraprofessionals, related service providers, administrators, and support professionals. Professional development is tailored to the unique needs of each district, and building within the district. Additional individualized training is provided when developing programming for specific students including behavior support plans, IEP goals and objectives, accommodations, and modifications.

Training Topics


    • Definition

    • General Characteristics

    • Unique strengths

    • Comorbid diagnoses

    • Research based interventions

    • General classroom strategies

    • DSM V

      • Social and Communication Deficits

      • Repetitive and Restrictive Behaviors

      • Diagnosing autism - who, how

      • Causes of autism

Applied Behavior Analysis - Registered Behavior Technician Training - 40 hours

    • What is ABA? - Definition (7 Dimensions/Characteristics) and Principles (overview)

    • Misconceptions of ABA

    • Environmental Events vs. Private Events

    • Assessments and curricula - a review

    • Building rapport - pairing with students to build positive relationships

    • ABC’s of ABA - Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence

    • Defining behavior - observable, measureable

    • Data collection - the driving force of decision making

    • Functions of behavior - Attention, Escape, Access to Tangible, Automatic

      • Replacement behaviors

    • Principles of ABA:

      • Prompting - hierarchies; most to least, least to most

      • Shaping

      • Task analysis

      • Chaining

      • Reinforcement (Automatic, Positive, Negative, Noncontingent); types (primary, secondary) - consumable, sensory, tangible, activity, social, exchangeable; schedules (extinction, intermittent, continuous); Punishment

      • Generalization and Maintenance of skills

    • Discrete Trial Training - the three components - Sd (discriminative stimulus), R (response), Sr (reinforcing stimulus/consequence); instruction, response, feedback.

    • Natural Environment Teaching (NET)

    • Pivotal Response Training (PRT)

    • Behavior Change Principles

    • ABA in our daily life - how we are using it in varied settings.

    • Functional Behavior Assessment and Positive Behavior Support Plan

    • Supervision and Support

    • Ethics in implementation

Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI)

  • Crisis Prevention Institute

    • Non-violent Crisis Intervention training equips participants with skills, confidence, and an effective framework to safely manage and prevent difficult behavior.

    • Initial training of school staff

    • Annual refresher training of school staff

*All Behavior Specialists are certified CPI instructors.

Paraprofessional Bootcamp

    • Roles and responsibilities of the paraprofessional

    • The paraprofessional-teacher relationship

    • Special Ed 101

    • Disability categories

    • Presuming competence

    • 10 qualities of a great paraprofessional

    • Confidentiality

    • Behavior Basics

      • ABC’s of behavior

      • Setting events/precipitating factors

      • Functions of behavior

      • Changing behavior

      • Replacement behaviors

      • Executive functioning

      • Prompting

      • Shaping

      • Reinforcement

    • Behavior Prevention - Building relationships

      • Teaching rules and routines

    • Data collection

    • Fidelity in the implementation of plans

PBIS Tier 1 Training and Implementation

  • Composing the PBIS implementation team

  • Defining behavior expectations for your school

  • Establishing a plan for teaching behavior and social emotional skills

  • Defining a system for handling problem behaviors

  • Establishing an acknowledgement system for your school

  • Developing a professional development plan for staff

  • Implementing an evaluation plan


Previously requested professional development provided to school staff and community organizations:

  • Behavior Basics

  • Addressing Challenging Behavior in the Classroom

  • Autism 101

  • Autism for First Responders

  • Autism in the Classroom

  • Behavior on the Bus

  • Classroom Environment and ABA

  • Data Collection and Progress Monitoring

  • De-escalation Strategies

  • Foundations of Special Education

  • Functional Behavior Assessments

  • Intentional Inclusion

  • Paraprofessional Boot Camp

  • Parent Support - topics based on need/request

  • Special Education for the General Education Teacher

Additional Information Regarding CPI Training


CPI: How Often You Should Train


ODE Guidelines for Crisis Prevention

trauma informed arc.docx

Trauma Informed Arc