Positive Behavior Interventions and Support

What are Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)?

    • PBIS is an implementation framework for maximizing the selection and use of evidence-based prevention and intervention practices along a multi-tiered continuum that supports the academic, social, emotional, and behavioral supports of all students

    • The interplay of 4 implementation elements is considered in all decisions

      • Data – What information is needed to improve decision making

      • Outcomes – What students need to do for academic and behavior success

      • Practices – What students experience to support the learning and improvement of their academic and behavior success, e.g., teaching, prompting, and recognizing expected social behaviors

      • Systems – What do educators experience to support their use of evidence-based academic and behavior practices, e.g., school leadership teams, data-based decision making, continuous professional development and coaching

    • The multi-tiered “continuum” is composed of carefully selected, evidence-based practices at three different levels of support intensity. Specific practices are matched both to the level of support needed, and the local cultural context

      • Tier 1: Universal practices are experienced by all students and educators across all settings to establish a predictable, consistent, positive and safe climate

      • Tier 2: Targeted practices are designed for groups of students who need more structure, feedback, instruction and support than Tier 1 alone

      • Tier 3: Indicated practices are more intense and individualized to meet the challenges of students who need more than Tiers 1 and 2 alone

What do students and staff members gain in PBIS schools?

    • All students enhance their social, emotional, and behavioral competence by

      • Regularly reviewing their school’s agreed upon school-wide social values.

      • Frequently experiencing specific recognition when they engage in expected behavior

      • Extending expected behaviors to all parts of the school, especially in classrooms to enhance their academic engagement and success

      • Experiencing predictable instructional consequences (reteaching) for problem behavior without inadvertent rewarding of problem behavior

      • Using a common language for communication, collaboration, play, problem solving, conflict resolution, and securing assistance

    • All educators develop positive, predictable, and safe environments that promote strong interpersonal relationships with their students by

      • Prompting, modeling, teaching, and acknowledging expected student behavior

      • Actively supervising all their students across all settings

      • Maximizing academic instruction to enhance student achievement and support social, emotional, and behavioral development

      • Providing clear and predictable consequences for problem behavior and following up with constructive support to reduce the probability of future problem behavior

      • Intensifying their PBIS supports (T2/3) if students are unresponsive to universal practices (T1)

What do students and educators experience when PBIS is implemented with fidelity over time?

    • Reductions in major disciplinary infractions, antisocial behavior, and substance abuse.

    • Reductions in aggressive behavior and improvements in emotional regulation.

    • Improvements in academic engagement and achievement.

    • Improvements in perceptions of organizational health and school safety.

    • Reductions in teacher and student reported bullying behavior and victimization.

    • Improvements in perceptions of school climate.

    • Reductions in teacher turnover.

How does PBIS contribute to the development of positive school climate, school safety, and student-educator relationships?

    • In the context of school and community violence, a majority of kids consider school a safe place.

    • Perceptions of safety are greater when students have an adult they can talk to, go to, receive support from, etc.

    • Adult-student trusting relationships are the result of positive school and classroom climate, experiences of academic and social success, predictable school routines and supports, and positive adult modeling.

    • PBIS/MTSS framework provides a continuum of support that enables educators to address the full range of student needs and experiences.

PBIS World Website Link


PBIS Fact Sheet

Starter Kit Presentation.pptx

ODE's PBIS Overview