Floor Hockey 

Mr. Reynolds 5th, 6th and 8th Grade Lesson Plan

Floor Hockey

Learning Targets: 

This week we will… be learning the concepts of floor hockey and also the rules of hockey.

I can…

Vocabulary: Passing, shooting, forward, puck, goalie, centerline, goal line high stick

Learn About It! 





Sideline Hockey/ Four corner Hockey/Hockey tag 

Class tournaments/four corner rps/ roadkill game/ endline hockey 4v4


Practice It!

Work on these activities to apply what you learned.

Students will practice stick handling and passing skills, puck control and teamwork skills in order to accomplish a certain goal. 

Teach the cues of passing and shooting the puck to one another, hand placement, 

Game situation, tournaments, invasion game where one half of the class is a team and the other half is a team. One half of the team are goalies and the other half are in the field of play if one team scores across the line the team that got scored on switches with the goalies.

Roadkill game and four four corner hockey games, sideline hockey, Hockey tournaments 

Evidence of Learning 

Putting all of the skills into mini games and into real game situations. Understand the rules and safety of the game of floor hockey.

Google form quiz will be provided for students in order to test their knowledge of the the game of floor hockey.