A Teacher's Guide for students with anxiety


Many students of all ages are under pressure in many aspects of their lives, have a history if trauma, or stuggle with chronic anxiety. This guide is a resource for teachers to understand anxiety as a factor in the classroom, as well as what anxiety disorders are and how they impact student's lives. 

This website covers what anxiety is, what it looks like in and out of the classroom, specific strategies, accomodations, emotion regulation techniques, resources, communication tips, and teacher skills. It also covers, although to a lesser extent, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as a seperate anxiety disorder that may require less intuitive strategies, and accomodations. The International OCD Foundation's website Anxiety in the Classroom is heavily leaned upon to act as guidance and a main source of information for teachers looking to learn more. The entire list of references can be found under citations, for informational sources and in-site links.