communication tips

Do not accuse the student of making excuses for any shortcomings

You dont have to agree that their fear is true, but acknowledge that what they feel is understandable

Even unintentionally, this can cause students to shut down

Address concerns privately

Set up regular check-ins, agree upon times and methods that are best for contact

For when anxiety is trggered, you might use communication signals, fidget toys, quiet spaces,or mindfulness exercises 

In tense situations, it is best to be directive and clear

The Blob Tree Communication Tools

For taking an emotional temperature and making non verbal communion easier

A helpful social emotional learning tool to gauge feelings non verbally, blobs are characters that express emotions and body langauge amongst a group. Blobs can be used at all ages, from the point a child understands feelings all the way throughout the lifespan. They act as a snapshot of a person in the moment, and are not to be assumed as stagnant states of being, or that there is only one interpretation of a blob. One thing to note is that the Blob tree communication tools have some religous affiliation and materials, however, the blobs themselves are not meant to have any specific race, gender, class, or any other social designation beyond human and most of the materials are safe to use with all groups of people.