Academic Resources

Time Management Worksheet  

If students are taking a rigorous course load (i.e. TWO or more Honors/AP courses), we strongly recommend that you complete this worksheet alongside your parent/guardian. 

Four Year Planning Worksheet (must be Northgate student to access)

In 9th grade, students will have a presentation about course selections and how to fill this out. This plan will be helpful as you plan your courses at Northgate High School. It also includes the a-g requirements for the UC/CSU system.

How to Read Your NHS Transcript (coming soon)

2024-2025 Course Catalog

Check out the course offerings, prerequisites, and class descriptions. A new version will be made available in the spring for the following school year. 

AP/Honors Contract

If you are signing up for an AP or Honors class, you must complete the contract for each class you plan to take.

UC/CSU Approved Courses

NHS NCAA Approved Courses (for athletes wanting to play in college)