Public Participation

Rules of Conduct & Procedure

Regulation BCBI-R : Public Participation in Board Meetings

Adopted 9/21/22



These procedures are in accordance with Policy BCBI and provide the Rules of Conduct, in accordance with O.C.G.A. §20-2-58, for all Board meetings. Further, for scheduling purposes at regular board meetings, prospective speakers during the public participation item on the agenda must sign up by 12 noon in advance of the meeting with the Superintendent’s Office. 


All attendees shall remember that while the meetings are open to the public, the purpose of the meeting is to conduct the business of the school system and members of the public are invited to participate only as allowed by Board policy and these procedures.



8. The Board will not respond to comments made by the speaker during public  participation unless a member of the Board chooses to ask a question. Speakers  should remain at the microphone while answering questions. 

By reading and acknowledging acceptance prior to speaking during public participation, speakers attest that they understand and will abide by these procedures. The Chair of the Board is responsible for enforcing these procedures. Those who are attending a meeting or speaking during public participation and violate these procedures will be warned by the Chair. 

 A continued violation may result in a speaker being asked to sit down. If any person attending a meeting and refuses to follow these rules disrupting the meeting, they will be asked to leave and if they refuse, be escorted from the meeting room. Such serious or repeated violations of the rules of conduct may result in the individual being prohibited from speaking during a board meeting for an appropriate period of time.

 Any attendee violating the laws of the State while on District property or attending a meeting of the Board shall be subject to arrest by law enforcement.

Any individual who is on the agenda to address the Board will acknowledge via signature the receipt of BCBI-R prior to addressing the Board.


Date: _______________________________________

I,____________________________________________, have read and understand the above rules of conduct regarding public participation portion of a Board of Education meeting, and agree to follow those rules.

I am a   □ Parent/Guardian □ Employee   □ Meriwether County Resident

□ Meriwether County Representative of  Business or Organization

Home Address:__________________________________________________

School (if applicable):_______________________

Contact Number: ___________________________

I wish to address the Board of Education at the meeting scheduled for ___________________ on the following topic:



Signature:___________________________________________ Date_________________________________________________