Meet the Superintendent

Dr. Robert A. Griffin, Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Robert “Al” Griffin serves as the Superintendent of Education for the Meriwether County Board of Education.  Dr. Griffin is an energetic, life-long learner that utilizes a teamwork-oriented approach while striving to maximize individual student potential.  He has been awarded numerous state, regional, and national awards both as an administrator and classroom teacher.


Dr. Griffin received his Doctorate of Education Degree (K-12 Administration) in 2006 from Auburn University.  He also received his BS (1991), MEd (1992), and EdS (1995) from Auburn University in Agriscience Education.  Dr. Griffin has twice completed the rigorous National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification.  During his 30-year career, Dr. Griffin has served as a classroom teacher, an administrative assistant, a Career-Technical Director/Principal, High School Principal, and Superintendent.


Dr. Al Griffin is married to the former Natalie Wood from Statesville, Alabama.  He has three sons and a daughter.  He has always been involved in various community activities.  Dr. Griffin in active is Church activities, professional educational organizations, Civic Organizations, and numerous other community-related entities.   


Dawn Woodard

Federal programs, CTAE, PreK Director

Mrs. Joanne Britt

Curriculum & Instructions Director


Ms. Kay Williamson

Wrap Around Services Coordinator

Mr. Len Dalton

Technology Director

Dr. Maurice Brown

Maintenance/ Facilities Director

Dr. Monica McDaniel

Curriculum & Instruction Director PreK - 5

Chief Royce Thompson

Chief SRO

Mrs. Sandra Hudson

School Nutrition Director

Mrs. Sharon McKee

Administrative Assistant to Supt./Office Mgr./ Tribunal Asst./Board Secretary

Dr. Marci Vining Assistant Superintendent/ HR Director

Mrs. Tomecka Woody

Chief Financial Officer

Mrs. Tonya Waller

SPED Director

Mr. Thaddeus Jackson

GHS Principal

Mrs. Carrie Chambers

MHS Principal

Mrs. Erica Short

MMS Principal

Mr. Michael Perry

GMS Principal

Mr. Eric Alston

 UES Principal

Mr. Wes Wilson

MVES Principal

Daffanee Ledbetter

MTSS Coordinator

Mr. Lee Riley

Alternative Program Director

MicKie Samper

Director of Transportation

Ms. Suze Neal

Director of Compliance
