MCSD Language Instruction Educational Program( LIEP)

MCSD CLD Program Model

MCSD’s CLD program is an “All English” model.  English language instruction is universal; taught by all educators and infused into all content areas and interventions.  To ensure our ML learner population’s needs are met, each of our schools employ a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Teacher who oversees language acquisition and instruction.  The following are in place to support quality English language instruction for our multilingual learners as well as every student in our district.

Systems of Instruction

-Colorado Academic Standards and Colorado English Language Proficiency Standards are interwoven into all academic areas.

-State and district data, as well as ongoing formative assessments, are used to determine ML needs in grade level content proficiency as well as English language development,

-Multi-tiered systems of support are utilized to ensure MLs receive appropriate and timely interventions in reading, writing, math, and/or other areas, as needed.  

-The WIDA Standards Framework is understood and utilized by every educator to provide in-depth and appropriate language instruction.

-Co-teaching model ensures grade level content is taught alongside English language development.

-Newcomers, Non-English Proficient learners, and Low-Limited English Proficient learners receive data-driven, direct English language instruction from the ELD Specialist.