First Grade
The First-grade class has been learning about fiction and nonfiction stories, their characteristics and their differences.
Each child became an author and illustrator. They wrote their own story, and also designed and described their chosen characters and the setting.
Our project consists of a collection of all the amazing stories students created and illustrated.
First A
First B
First Grade: ESOL
Students listened to the story Cookie's Week by Cindy Ward.
Afterwards, they created their own stories using Cookie's Week as an outline. This book also served as a mentor text, as students chose their own character and imagined various mess-making (and often hilarious) scenarios.
Students illustrated their stories in a creative manner.
Then, an active class discussion highlighted how a text and pictures go together to tell a story.
El Cuento
Un cuento es un tipo de narración generalmente breve, basada en hechos reales o ficticios, en el cual un grupo de personajes desarrollan una trama relativamente sencilla. Los cuentos relatan hechos desde su inicio hasta su final. El mismo contiene los elementos necesarios para comprender el relato.
Los cuentos contienen tres partes: inicio, aqui se presentan los personajes y el ambiente, nudo, que presenta el problema y un desenlace que indica el final.
Los cuentos conllevan personajes tales como: personas, animales y/o cosas que lo protagonizan, un lugar o ambiente donde suceden los hechos y un problema o dificultad que los personajes deben afrontar.