Nutrition & Pre-game 


Nutrition is often overlooked as a potential competitive edge possibly because it is poorly understood.  It has been shown that proper eating before exercise improves performance. It is also important to be well hydrated before the exercise session. Too many high school athletes head off to school without eating breakfast, and lunch may be a slice of pizza.  At this point they, with very little fuel in their system, they are not prepared to be their best at game time or even practice.  

Some signs that an athlete may not be eating enough to fuel their performance are:

Nutrition Tips

To help athletes achieve peak performance it is important to promote healthy eating and adequate fluid intake. Encourage athletes to take time to eat breakfast everyday. Remind your athletes that lunch for many of them will be their pre-game meal and to eat accordingly. And for some athletes, lunch may be as early as 10:30 in the morning and they may not be eating again until after practice or after the game. The size of the meal or snack eaten before exercise is important because adequate time is needed for digestion.  A meal or snack that is high in protein and/or fat will take longer to digest. Years ago a typical pre-game meal was steak and eggs which is mostly protein and fat. Many studies have confirmed an ideal pre-game meal should be predominantly carbohydrates.  Eating foods high in carbohydrates can maintain blood glucose levels during exercise and provide fuel for the exercise session. The closer it gets to game time or practice, the smaller the meal or snack should be.

The body must have the proper fuel for peak performance; there are no substitutes for good nutrition. Some athletes may be tempted to try an energy drink as a quick pick-me-up before they compete. There are no quick fixes, including energy drinks, for not eating and drinking adequately during the day. Keep in mind some of these energy drinks may be too high in caffeine to be considered a healthy choice (have your athletes read the label). They should not take the place of healthy meals and adequate fluids during the day.

Visit the Gatorade Sports Science Institute for additional nutrition and hydration information!

Pre-Game Nutrition Guidelines: 

3-4 hours before competition:

Consume a carb-rich meal that is low-fat, low-fiber and low- to moderate-protein to avoid  GI (stomach/intestinal) discomfort.

Less than 1 hour before competition:

Consume more low-GI, carb-rich foods to ensure optimal fueling.

Foods higher in fat and protein such as steak and eggs, pizza, nachos, and hot dogs will leave the stomach very slowly and be unavailable for fuel during exercise and should be avoided immediately before exercise.

During activity:

Give additional fuel to exercising muscles during prolonged exercise.
High intensity in a short duration (around one hour) activity: Carb consumption can improve performance
2+ hours of activity: Carb consumption can help prevent or delay hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and increase endurance

Immediately after competition:

Carb and protein consumption is needed immediately after activity. 

1-2 hours after competition: 

Recovery is necessary for restoration of muscle (refueling), replacement of fluid and electrolytes lost in sweat (re-hydration), protein synthesis for repair and adaptation (rebuilding), and care of other bodily systems and processes (e.g. immune, inflammatory, antioxidant).
Consume carb-rich and protein-rich foods to aid in muscle repair.


To help keep athletes well hydrated, encourage them to: