


All military academies require that applicants be American Citizens, at least 17 years old, and of good moral character. Appointments to the academies are by Congressional nomination and are competitive. All expenses including medical care are paid by the government and students receive additional compensation to cover uniforms, books and personal needs. There is a five year active duty obligation.



Career Interests & Aptitude Tests

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is administered free to interested tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grade students with parental consent. Wootton does not adminster the ASVAB but, for those students interested in taking it, Mrs. Carr will make arrangements for you with another school that is offering it. It is important that you not take the ASVAB with a recruiter because, your score will become part of their permanent record.  If you take it through an MCPS high school, you can choose the score(s) that you want to submit for consideration.

The ASVAB is an excellent career exploration tool. It can help identify student interests and aptitude in the following areas: verbal, math, science and technical skills. When scores are interpreted, students will learn how their interests and skills relate to the demands of more than 400 occupations, helping them to identify suitable career options.

ASVAB results are released only to students and not to the armed services. If students wish to use their results as part of an enlistment conversation with military recruiters, they can provide their scores to the recruiter. Taking the ASVAB in no way involves a commitment to the military. Parental consent is required for students under the age of 18 for ASVAB scores to be released to military recruiters.