Amy Rakowiecki Science Resource Teacher

Science and Technology Program

Science Program

Investigations in Science 6 (IS 6) – Sixth Grade

Students will be participating in a countywide sixth grade science program. Inquiry and laboratory investigations are an integral part of the program. Problem solving and online investigations are used continually to allow students to investigate authentic problems and reinforce scientific concepts. During each of the units, students will be participating in on-going problem based learning which connects all concepts learned throughout the unit. Units studied in IS 6 are Ecosystem Interactions Energy and Dynamics Unit focusing on ecosystems and diversity, Earth’s Resources and Humans Impacts on the Environment Unit focusing on environmental change, Energy and Waves Unit focusing on energy transformations and alternative energy sources, and Matter and Its Interactions Unit focusing on physical and chemical properties and chemical reactions.

Investigations in Science 7 (IS 7) – Seventh Grade

Students will be participating in a countywide seventh grade science program. Students engage in minds-on inquiry and hands-on explorations, productive discourse and purposeful reading and writing. Units studied in IS 7 center around topics related to biochemistry, genetics, structure and function of living organisms and biotechnology. During seventh grade science students will have the opportunity to manipulate and work with advanced equipment making seventh grade a unique opportunity and experience. Students engage in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in order to propose solutions to identified problems.

Investigations in Science 8 (IS 8) – Eighth Grade

In this course students will demonstrate the ability to use scientific skills and processes to explain the physical behavior of the environment, Earth, and the Universe. This curriculum is a unique problem/project based curriculum. The learning is student-centered with the teacher acting as a facilitator. Instruction is woven around one main problem within each unit of study. Online simulations and hands on explorations, productive discourse, purposeful reading and meaningful writing will guide the students through this exciting science course! Students will be presented a Request for Proposals (RFP) at the start of each unit. They will then use a design-folio throughout the quarter to research, develop, design and evaluate their proposal.

Technology Education

The Technology curriculum seeks to help all students become technologically literate members of the community. Students are introduced to the design process and encouraged to use creativity and problem solving skills to study and understand the designed world. We focus on critical skills such as open ended problem solving, peer-to-peer collaboration, and hands-on design. Content includes understanding electronics, robotics, tool safety, environmental impact, and sustainability.

For more information, please contact Amy Rakowiecki, Science Resource Teacher at