Career Exploration and Internship

Career Exploration is an opportunity for students to research their interests and passions.  It provides students with the ability to become aware of various career clusters, and to develop decision-making, job-seeking, and job-keeping skills. Explore the links below to help make informed career choices. 

Career Readiness

Internship Opportunities 

Interested in an Internship Opportunity?  Email Mr. Breslaw the Internship Coordinator at

*See the Summer Opportunities page for a list of Internships

Internships and summer programs

Education: High School

Opportunity: Work Study

Academic Field: Business, Computer Sciences, Applied Arts, Engineering (other)

The High School Work Study (HSWS) Program is a highly competitive program designed for high school students who plan to participate in a school sponsored work experience program during their senior year. Students are hired on as part-time employees from September to August of their senior year. Students can apply for the following positions:

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Positions are available based on requirements at each site. When applying, ensure the job opening is for your local site.


Administrative & Technical Students: Office Assistant

Computer Aide

Vocational Students: Model Shop



Installation & Logistics



Language Students: Chinese


Application Process:


Applications run from September 15th through October 31st

Minimum Qualifications

Forms Needed