Book Wars

What is Book Wars?

Book Wars, a competitive reading program, is in its 10th year in MCPS. There are several middle schools participating this year. Each year it wraps up with an interscholastic trivia competition about the books in the program. in the spring. RMS Book Wars teams will complete with teams from the following middle schools: Poole, Kingsview, and Lakelands Park.

See Ms. Portocarrero to join our team! We are currently reading and discussing books for our April competition!

I think it's an excellent list of books. It hits all the most popular genre's and interests!

Program Information

  • There are grade level teams, with up to five students per team. We are allowed to have no more than 15 students on teams representing our school. Teams will meet at least twice monthly during lunch, in the Media Center, to get to know each other and to discuss the books.

  • Team members will need to commit to read the same 10 books as all the other kids in MCPS participating in Book Wars between October and April. There are also six Lightning Round books to read in addition to the other ten. See attached for the list of books/categories.

  • The books cover a variety of genres and characters. They are all available to borrow from our school, and approved for middle school readers. You will have to read quickly so other team members can have a turn.

  • There is no cost to participate.

  • Parent permission will be required to participate.

Other Important Information

  • Do you like to read things outside of your favorite genre? That’s a must!

  • Think about your interest level. Think about your time commitments. Your teammates need to be able to count on you!

Students in each lunch period that are interested in joining will formulate their teams.

See Ms. P (Portocarrero) or Mrs. Green in the Media Center for more questions and/or details.

What is Competition Day like?

  • It will be a full day of competition which promises a lot of fun! Lunch will be provided. Students will miss a day of classes, but will have a day to make up any missed work. You will need to attend this competition if you join the program. There will be five rounds of questions about the ten books, and four lightning rounds with additional questions.

  • The winning team will be awarded a trophy to hold for one year.

  • Judges will also be on hand to award prizes for team unity, tee shirt design, and sportsmanship.

  • Many parent volunteers are needed! If a parent of a student who participates is interested, please email Mrs. Portocarrero You will need to have complete the necessary MCPS parent volunteer training.

Want to see past year's Book Wars Reading lists?

You must be logged into your Google Account to view it.

Happy Reading!