
We have identified some Naviance activities to guide and support you in considering and identifying your college and career goals. These are supplemental to the activities Counselors provide during the school year.

There are different activities geared for students in Grades 9, 10, and 11. Additional activities will be posted each week and students can go back and work on earlier activities at any time.

We encourage you to take advantage of this resource!

Suggested Starting Lessons

9.0 What do You Know (Pre-Assessment)

9.1 My Foundation

9.2 My Life’s Work

9.3 Mastering Homework

9.5 My Learning Style

9.9 Working with My Teachers

10.1 Participating in My Life

10.2 My Favorite Qualities

10.3 Working Hard

11.0 What Do You Know (Pre-assessment)

11.8 College Fit

11.12 Anatomy of A College Website

11.15 Anatomy of a College Application