Studio Arts

Studio Art 1 - ART2042 A/B

This course explores art through the theme Narrative. Students will learn observational drawing skills while exploring a variety of media, tools and techniques. In addition to drawing students will work with a variety of 2-dimensional media including painting, printmaking and collage.

Advanced Studio Art 3 - ART2032 A/B

*Prerequisite - Studio Art 2

This advanced-level course provides opportunities for students to focus on a medium and art form of their choice, using both assigned and self-selected subject matter. Students will explore creating art through the theme Inquiry as they continue building their art portfolios and journals. Students will participate in group critiques and discussions about the cultural relevance of contemporary and historical artworks. 

Advanced Studio Art 2 - ART2031 A/B

*Prerequisite - Studio Art 1

This advanced-level course provides opportunities to refine and master observational drawing techniques and media processes. Personal style emerges as students explore the theme Perspective. Students will continue building a portfolio of artwork as well as an art journal.

AP 2-D Art and Design - ART2064 A/B

Students will synthesize and adapt approaches to using two-dimensional media, techniques, and processes to develop a personal style and voice. They will present a personal exhibition and justify curatorial choices that communicate meaning. Students submit a portfolio of original work to meet the requirements for the AP Exam to demonstrate the competencies as identified by the College Board. 

Painting ART2043 A/B

Painting students will study composition, the structure of form, and the relationships of color and will apply these concepts to personal artworks. Units of study will focus on painting tools, techniques, and surface studies through a variety of wet media.  Students will be introduced to the work of painters and the history/tradition of various styles and techniques of painting

Printmaking 2044 A/B

Students will learn techniques of fine art printmaking, e.g. relief printing, monotype, intaglio, collagraph, and collage. This course covers the distinctive nature of printmaking including: tools, inks, paper, plate preparation, registration, printing processes, and qualities of prints. Students will gain skills to produce multiple images by hand printing while exploring personal visual expression. Students will be introduced to the work of artists and the history/tradition of fine art prints.