Restorative Practices are the skills and processes used in classrooms to build relationships, create connections, and prevent harm before it occurs. 

Buddy Up Against Bullying with the Eagle Nation!

Buddy Up Against Bullying Week at Glen Haven focuses on cultivating camaraderie and solidarity among students and staff to address bullying within our community. During this week-long campaign, students are encouraged to stand up for each other, promote kindness, and create inclusive environments where everyone feels safe and respected.  Students will also be doing activities that align with our spirit days during huddle time. Each Grade will have their very own town hall where students and teachers will be working in collaboration with Peaceful School Productions. Through various activities, discussions, and awareness-raising initiatives, it is our hope that Buddy Up Against Bullying Week will empower our students to be proactive allies, speak out against bullying behavior, and promote empathy and understanding among their peers. Together the Eagle Nation will strive to build a culture of acceptance and compassion by working towards the eradication of bullying in all its forms. 

BuddyUPAgainstBullyingMusicVideo24 .mov

Buddy up against bullying week was a huge success for the Eagle Nation! 

During town halls Kindergarten through 2nd graders were able to learn about the importance of filling up buckets! 3rd through 5th graders were able to learn about S.T.A.R. power and the importance of being confident in yourself sharing unique qualities about themselves. 

Shutout to Peaceful school productions for the fantastic resources and streaming platform! For more information visit 

What is Restorative Justice? 

Restorative Justice is a mindset and philosophy toward school climate and relationship building in a system. It is a social justice platform that allows students to:

Traditional vs. Restorative Discipline

Bridge to Home: What does RJ look like at home?