School Counseling calendar & Events

MBHS Counseling Services Calendar 2024-2025

24-25 Counseling Program calendar 

Please review our 2024-2025  School Counseling calendar. Save the dates for the events that will be best for you! We will share any additions to our calendar throughout the school year! 

Look at our past school year events! 

Discussion Parent Recordings.pdf

parent mental health discussions

We hosted two teen mental health discussions geared towards parents/guardians during the month of May (Mental Health Awareness Month). Please find the recordings of these conversations with resources! 


Virtual financial aid night

Please find the recording of our January 10, 2024 Virtual Financial Aid Night event. As FAFSA is new for the 2024-2025 school year, stay in the know! 

Junior Information Night December 2023

Junior Planning Information Night 

Please find the slides and recording of our presentation to parents/guardians of Junior students. Encuentra la presentación en español.

Let's Talk Mental Health Supporting Your Child During Difficult Times.pdf

Supporting your student during difficult times 

Please find the slides of our presentation from Montgomery Blair's Social Worker Ms. Callaghan. She presented this information on November 1, 2023 during our Mental Health Awareness Week. 

Third Annual College & Career Fair .mp4

Third Annual College & Career Fair

Please find the recording of our Third Annual College & Career Fair. It occurred on September 28, 2023. We hope you attend our College Representative Panel in March 2024. 

2024 Class of Senior Parent Meeting.mp4

Senior Information Night 

Please find the recording of Navigating Senior Year: The college Application Process geared towards the guardians/parents of the Class of 2024. This occurred on September 21, 2023. 

AANHPI Panel May Recording.mp4

AANHPI Panel discussion: model minority myth

Please find the recording of our AANHPI Panel discussion around the important topic of Model Minority Myth and mental health amongst/for our AANHPI populations in MCPS. 


SUBstance use awareness week

Please find the presentation from Dr. Salwan of Montgomery Family Medicine that was shared with students on February 22, 2023.