Stage Crew Meetings:

April 11th: Set/Costumes/Props

April 16th: Entire Cast Called Finish Blocking starting at Squidward Number and hopefully finish the show!

April 17th: Entire Cast Called: Finish the show. Review Super Sea Star Savior, Electric Skates, opening number

April 18th: Dance Call:  Plankton, Karen, Minions, Sardines, Patrick, SpongeBob, Sandy, Sea Anemomes, Squidward

Music Call: TBD

Change in rehearsal time!  3-6pm

April 23: Entire Cast Called 3-6pm Run Through. 

 Run Crew: Including Sound/Costumes/lights/backstage crew

April 24: Enitre Cast Called 3-6pm Run Through

 Run Crew: Including Sound/Costumes/lights/backstage crew

April 25: Enitre Cast Called 3-6pm (Stage Crew Call 3-4:30 for set/props)

               Run Crew: Including Sound/Costumes/lights/backstage crew

There will be snacks provided!!!!!

Stage Crew Calenda

Stage Crew Thursdays 3:00-4:00 pm will begin on September 21st

Most Stage Crew Meets on Thursdays in the cafeteria 3-4:30pm. Sometimes only one or two crews are called. Sound and Lights attend rehearsals near the end of the reheasal process.

Lighting, Sound, Spotlight, Props, Set, Front of House, Stage Manager:

Many ways to be involved!

All Run Crew are needed for all 3 performances and all rehearsals.

Stage Crew Meeting Dates:

2/22 All Stage Crew Called: Cafeteria