About EMS Green Team/SERT

 The Eastern Green Team is excited to announce our new partnership with The Sill Plant Store in Bethesda Row! Please visit the shop for your plant needs! Eastern Green Team thanks The Sill for their support of our Literally Green Project, coming to all classrooms very soon! 

The Eastern Green Team is excited to announce the funding of Literally Green, our student created project which is being funded by a MAEOE Student Action Grant. Thank you MAEOE for your incredible support as we work towards Green School Certification! 


Our Green Team was established and strengthened over the past 5 years by Ms. Kuhn and Ms. Brown.  When Ms. Brown left Eastern, Ms. Kuhn took over the Math Team, and Ms. Peter recruited Ms. Maizlish to help her lead the Green Team. Ms. Peter has been the Green Team Leader at both of her previous schools, and helped Earle B. Wood Middle School achieve MD Green School Certification. So, the next step is to step up Eastern's Conservation efforts and Go for the Green School Certification! We will find out if we are certified on April 21st, 2023.

Ms. Peter and Ms. Maizlish wanted to join together to sponsor this club and work to improve the conservation efforts at Eastern. We have a great group of Green Minded Students who are committed and creative in their ideas and have made a difference in our energy conservation, recycling, and education of our community in a short time! Get involved, Go Green Eastern! 

Ms. Peter enjoyed helping her previous school earn the Maryland Green School Certification, and looks forward to getting the same certification for Eastern! (Earle B. Wood MDGS Award pics below)

 MCPS SERT PROGRAM: LEARN MORE                                                                                   Our SERT Facilitator is Mr. Giancarlo Rodriguez

Who we are

We are Eastern Middle School students and staff members who care about our planet. We are in grades 6-8, and have various leadership roles around the school. We look forward to getting some of our new initiatives in place and to improve the school grounds, environment, and practices for all EMS students. 

Ms. Peter

Math Content Specialist

 Ms. Maizlish

Grades 7 and 8 Science Teacher

Ms. Charlotte

Building Service Manager


Green Team grade 8 

Recycling Co-Captain


Grade 7 Green Team Member

S.P.R.O.U.T & Literally Green Founder


Grade 6 Green Team Member

Invasive Species Weed Warrior


Grade 7 Green Team

SGA Treasurer


Grade 6 Green Team

Energy Conservation Captain


Grade 7 Green Team

Recycling Co-Captain



Grade 7 Green Team

Recycling Co-Captain


Grade 6 Green Team

SERT Auditor


Grade 7 Green Team

Recycling Co-Captain


Grade 8 Green Team



Grade 8 Green Team

Recycling Auditor