Magnet Showcase

The culminating event to the Capstone Project happens at the Magnet Showcase event held in May. Work from every technology and art class is displayed and presented. Students showcase their work to the public and share the experiences learned.

In addition, 8th grade students will have the opportunity to share their projects in a "Shark Tank" style presentation and receive feedback form local tech experts and community volunteers.

Magnet Showcase

Magnet Showcase 2017

Capstone 2017 gave us the opportunity to partner with Dig-It Games. We worked closely with them as they were asked to develop an accompanying mobile app for the Montgomery County 5th Grade Challenge. Argyle students created online games, artwork, app icons, and functional apps. During the evening of the 5th Grade Challenge, Dig-It Games revealed their mobile app and Argyle students had the opportunity to present their hard work at the same event.

5th Grade Challenge 2017

Magnet Showcase 2016