Workshops On Demand

Our Current Workshops Available Upon Request Include:

  • How to read and interpret the 3D NGSS Standards, Performance Expectations, and Appendixes

  • How to create phenomena based lessons

  • How to build equitable, culturally relevant lesson plans that align to the NGSS standards

  • How to create, implement, and grade an NGSS performance task

  • How to adapt previous favorite science lessons into NGSS aligned lessons

  • How to find, leverage and adapt online lesson banks, tools, and assessments

  • How to prepare my students for the CAST test

  • How to create authentic formative and summative assessment strategies that minimize grading time

  • Equity & Environmental Literacy - How to Empower ALL Student Stewards

  • SEAD - How to authentically infuse SEL into NGSS

  • Resource review including plug and play lessons and easy ways to get started with NGSS

Maia Science lady

Maia Steward Ed. D., Continuous Improvement Specialist

Please Contact Shane Hildebrand and Jennifer McAuley at & to set up an initial appointment to discuss how our NGSS Team can tailor our trainings to the needs of your specific school community.